1) Folders? 2) Alternate Output coordinate system?

Awesome product! I prefer it to Pix4Dmapper for most (flat) projects. Subsequent to purchasing a license to Pix4Dreact, we cancelled our subscription to DroneDeploy. But there are two features that would be very helpful to include in future releases:

  1. The ability to create and name folders to store different projects. I currently name the file based on drainage basin, project name and image collection date, but this results in a very long name:
    NorthernCoastalBasin_FlaglerRestorationArea_2021-03-03, for instance, and I often can’t read the whole name in the list of projects. I think the addition to a folder system would make it easier to store and recall work.
  2. I see that the coordinate system in which Pix4Dreact works is UTM. That is consistent with our GIS program, but it causes a problem when I try to publish the imagery on ArcGIS Online: AGOL prefers WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere). This means that, in order to publish the excellent imagery your program produces, I have to view it in ArcGIS and then reproject the raster to a new coordinate system, which is very time-consuming. If there were an option to specify another coordinate system in the Settings menu, this would save time and effort and add value to the program without creating too much overhead, I would think.
    I hope these suggestions are helpful!

I hope you are doing great, and thanks for sharing your feedback with us. I am passing it on to our team to consider this for the future development of the product.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us.


I agree with point #2 above and see that there is a way to set the output coordinate system, however Web Mercator (auxiliary sphere) is not on the list of available coordinate systems. When I try to reproject in ArcGIS Pro, the resulting image changes the transparent area into a black area. So I am struggling to get that to even work. I am still on the trial verison, but if I can’t get a useful mosaic for use in ArcGIS online, this software will not work for our needs at all.


Hi Justin,
You will need to adjust some of the environment settings in ArcGIS Pro before running the Project Raster tool. You should change the NoData to Maximum. This will force the black area to be transparent.

After you reproject you will then need to change the symbology of the layer. Make sure the Alpha band is set to band 4.