Awesome product! I prefer it to Pix4Dmapper for most (flat) projects. Subsequent to purchasing a license to Pix4Dreact, we cancelled our subscription to DroneDeploy. But there are two features that would be very helpful to include in future releases:
- The ability to create and name folders to store different projects. I currently name the file based on drainage basin, project name and image collection date, but this results in a very long name:
NorthernCoastalBasin_FlaglerRestorationArea_2021-03-03, for instance, and I often can’t read the whole name in the list of projects. I think the addition to a folder system would make it easier to store and recall work. - I see that the coordinate system in which Pix4Dreact works is UTM. That is consistent with our GIS program, but it causes a problem when I try to publish the imagery on ArcGIS Online: AGOL prefers WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere). This means that, in order to publish the excellent imagery your program produces, I have to view it in ArcGIS and then reproject the raster to a new coordinate system, which is very time-consuming. If there were an option to specify another coordinate system in the Settings menu, this would save time and effort and add value to the program without creating too much overhead, I would think.
I hope these suggestions are helpful!