Output Coordinate System Selection

As included in the Release Notes on November 2nd 2021, PIX4Dcloud allows users to select an output coordinate system so that the results (ortho, DSM, point cloud and 3D mesh) after processing will be referred to in that system.

The output coordinate system can be chosen during step 3:

  • It can be searched by name or EPSG code
  • It can be browsed by clicking on the folder icon
  • It can be dragged and dropped

By default, the output coordinate system will be WGS84 projected to the UTM zone computed based on the image geolocation.

If the images do not have any geolocation, the output coordinate system will be arbitrary and it is not possible to change it:

If the AutoGCP functionality is used, the GCP coordinate system will be the one selected in Step 3 and if it is changed, a warning message will pop up informing you that the new coordinate system will also be the output coordinate system.

In other words, the GCPs coordinate system and the output coordinate system must always be the same.