Warning w9020: GDAL Error <1> DXF layer does not support arbitrary field creation, field 'Elevation' not created.

Warning w9020: GDAL Error <1> DXF layer does not support arbitrary field creation, field ‘Elevation’ not created.

input is from Phantom 4 RTK with NTRIP

Does this corrupt my output?

Hi Raymond,

This a warning rather than an actual error and in most of the cases it does not no effect the reconstruction. It is more for our developers to help them further investigate in case, of a software crash. However, you can upload the following files to our OneDrive and we can double check if everything is ok. 

▸ The quality report (.pdf format): …\project_name\1_initial\report\project_name_report.pdf
▸ The project log file (text file): …\project_name\project_name.log
▸ The project file (.p4d): …\project_name.p4d

Best! ;-)