Volume Computing and Exporting

We mainly use Pix4D for getting the volumes of stockpiles.

Once the stockpiles are drawn in Pix4D, we take the calculated volume (cubic feet or cubic meters) and put them in an excel table to send to our clients.

To get the calculated volume, for each stockpile we have to:

  1. Expand the volume window
  2. Click on “Compute”
  3. Copy to Clipboard
  4. Paste in Excel

This is fine for projects with only a few stockpiles; however, we usually have 20 to 50 stockpiles per project.  So, having to compute and export each stockpile volume separately quickly becomes very tedious and time consuming.

It would be great if a “Compute All Volumes” and an “Export All Volumes to Table” buttons were added to the top to the volume pane (near where the “New Volume” button is located).

Another option is when exporting the volumes (to a shapefile), you could also have the calculated volumes exported into the attribute table of the shapefile.


Hi John,

Any feedback about your experience or information about features you would like to see in a future release is much appreciated. Thank you! 

I have just reported your need for our team. It will help us increase the priority of developing this feature.



I was about to post the same request regarding the attribute values in the shapefiles. We usually make a map with the stockpiles in QGIS, and add the volumes to the attribute table manually, which is a time consuming process when we have +50 stockpiles. Adding the 3D area, cut, fill and total volume as separate fields in the attribute table would be awesome!


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Hi Arne,

Thank you for your contribution to this topic, it was also taken into account!


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Hi John and Arne,

When you say table, are you thinking Excel format, .csv, or something like a PDF that might be more “traceable”? And as for geospatial output, I know that QGIS will handle most formats - do you prefer something in a single file like GeoJSON/SQLite/etc or is a .zipped shapefile the best option? 



THIS IS VERY MUCH NEEDED! Sorry to yell. but it seems like dev misses this over and over with every new release. This is an essential part of many of our workflows and it’s really a beat down. Please focus on this. Please!

Hi Jared,

Thank you for your feedback. We will do our best to focus on this feature. 

In order to better understand the need, could you give us more information, similar to the questions Nathan asked in the previous comment?



When I was referring to a table, I was thinking of a cvs file because that can be opened in several different programs, including excel.  

For the geospatial output, I use ArcMap and a zipped shapefile would be the easiest option with that software.


Thanks for looking into this.

Hi Blaz,
I’ve read many of these feature requests that revolve around the exporting of volumetric data in almost any form (PDF, CSV, SHP, etc.). These requests go as far back as 2015 as I can tell. So please, can you tell us why this hasn’t been addressed? In response to almost every post, a Pix4d team member asks for more information. Asking for more information seems pointless. This seems like a circular way of putting off development. This is obviously something that is wanted by a large swath of customers but Pix4D has been unresponsive.

Dear Pix4D Development Team:

I have a very particuar problem when calculating volumes, related to re-naming them (the volumes).

Usually, I have to execute 30-40 volumes calculations for a single flight mission, then, I have the possibility to rename them with a more representative name (instead the default option: Volume 1, 2, 3). After renaming all the volumes, finally, I save the project.

The main problem is, when I have to open once again the same project, the particular name I put and saved, doesn´t appear any more, instead, appears the dafault names: Volume 1, 2, etc…

So, Do you have any suggestion in order to solve this issue?

Looking forward to hearing from you back, and many thanks in advance

Hi @furena,

The new names of the volume objects are not maintained when the volume is renamed before drawing it. However, if you first draw the volume and then rename it from the generic Volume 1, 2, 3 etc. to a different one, the volume name is saved after the project is closed.

I hope this information helps you solve your problem. Let me know!

This is an ongoing problem for us. Would really appreciate a “export volume measurements” tool.

Hi @Ben_Jarrett,

Thank you for your feedback.

Despite that our team is well informed about the need to export all the measurements at once, please vote for this feature. It’d help us keep to the workflow.


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Hi Nate,

I know this is a bit late.

A shapefile with a .dbf with the fields and values I mentioned would be perfect. Alternative a shapefile and a .csv with the data is also okay, then i can always do a table join in QGIS.

The most import thing is we get a way to output the data instead of manually copy and pasting - which is slow, creates possibility for errors and costly.

Hi There… Here we are 16 months later… Just checking in to see if the devs plan on listening to their customers.

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Hi @Jared_Janacek ,

Good to see that there is interest in volumes. In Export Reports - #13 by Nate_Moore you can see that I said a little bit last week. It is still a topic here at Pix4D, and I’ll try to update here when we make progress. Meanwhile, if you want to talk about the specifics of what you need, feel free to PM me and we can set up a call. That will help us shape the best possible feature.


I’d love to see an export option that highlights the different piles with a coordinating spreadsheet showing the number of the stockpile with its fill volume, cut volume in ft³, mass, etc.

This is now the second most voted for feature request, and I was greatly surprised that we still do not have any easy way to export volumes from Pix4D. (I’ve not been using Pix4D for a year due to different work assignments, but now that I actually have been assigned a task like this, it came as a surprise that this still not have been implemented). I know that programming can be a difficult task especially with many developers working on a lot of different things, but this must in some way not be the hardest of tasks for a programmer making for example a simple CSV file with the ID, Volumen, 3D area etc.

Please Pix4D team, make this happen soon, its long due, and will make handling of volumens and reporting of them much more efficient and easy.

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Hi all, (first post) I’ve been using Pix4D Mapper quite some time and am really happy with the results. However not being possible to batch export the volume calculations took me quite by surprise. When I searched the community forum I’ve been reading that the request have been open for quite some time.

-Just to be sure, I can (batch)export the surfaces but the calculated volumes are not included?
-For a project I measured 145 stocks and now have to manually copy paste the values to notepad and convert them to a csv?

Hopefully Im missing something otherwise this feature would be appreciated :slight_smile:


Hi There dev team. Here we are, 4 YEARS later still asking for the same thing. Any update?

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