V 1.57.0 Continue Polyline Bug

Hi. When I make “continue polyline” the software goes down. Please check this

Thanks for reporting! We’re on it for the stable release.

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Hi @Jorge_Santos,

Thank you for reporting this.
As mentioned by Pierangelo, the team is working on a solution that will be released with the next stable release.

In the meantime, if you need to continue the polyline, I suggest you create a new vertex close to the end of the current polygon and then move the endpoint to the new endpoint. You can then create new vertices on the new segment.

Let me know if the workaround allows you to achieve your goal with the project.

Kind regards

Everything is ok it’s not a problem to me just reporting something for your acknowledge
Your’s truly

Daniele Lecci via Pix4D Community <notifications@pix4d.discoursemail.com> escreveu (terça, 5/03/2024 à(s) 14:36):

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Thank you @Jorge_Santos,

We appreciate your commitment in reporting the issue :pray:. This will help us improve faster and become better.

Have a great day,