Upload a scalable Mesh to Cloud don´t work

When I export a scalable mesh in pix4dmatic, I now get several files instead of the usual 4. When I try to upload these files to the cloud, i.e. via the web browser, an error appears because there are more than the 4 required files.

Can someone please describe the correct procedure for uploading a scalable mesh?

Thank you very much for your support.


The most straightforward way would be to click on the “Share” button in the top right of PIX4Dmatic and then to select “mesh” and click “upload”. Have you tried that?


Yes, I have. It works this way too, but it doesn’t end up in the project where I need it. I fly the same project every week and need it accordingly in this project and the corresponding timeline.
Is there another way?

Thank you very much for your efforts.