There is no correct Taiwan coordinate projection

I am facing an issue where I can’t find the correct Taiwan coordinate projection system in the ‘Camera’ tab right after I imported the image. However, if I imported the control points in the ‘Tie points’ tab to the same project, I could find the correct projection.

The image projection that I use when I am scanning using Pix4dCatch is TWD97 - EPSG 3826
The image projection that I get after importing the image is TWD97 - EPSG 3824
The projection that I can select in the ‘Tie points’ is TWD97 - EPSG 3826

Thank you


Thank you for reporting this. Indeed, the dialog for selecting the images’ coordinate reference system expected geographic CRS until recently.

This was changed in PIX4Dmatic version 1.71.0 released yesterday; now it also supports the projected coordinate reference systems.

Hope it helps,