Hello Associates, I hope we all are having a fine day. I am asking for your constructive opinion. Which Tablet you prefer to use? Model & Specs | Industry You Provide Services | PRO or CON |
I am reaching out to this Forum, asking constructive insight into your workflow. Focusing on one aspect of getting the job done. A Tablet.
As Pilots, I know we all know how to get an aircraft in the air, rules & regulations.
Please help with insight into your workflow.
What would be the best tablet you would use?
What would be the minimums RAM you would consider for a Tablet? Of course, Tetra size RAM be great, but worth the expense?
The importance of processing power for Capturing the data, then postproduction? Time is of the essence matters for some contracts.
And providing a Quality customer deliverable absolutely matters.
Would Giga size RAM stop your workflow?
Your capture, postproduction time? for example.
I feel users like yourself probably give me better insight to working in the real world than a sale representative
Thank you in advance for sharing,
Have a fine day and a better tomorrow

Jack @ Trinity Drone Service

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