Pix4D tagger in command line


How can I use Pix4D tagger in command line?

The support only says to enter the command  pix4dtagger.exe -h for more info


But this does not work for me, it doesn’t output anything. I can run Pix4D tagger with the command  pix4dtagger.exe but nothing more.

I use Windows 10 and I have Pix4D Mapper v.3.3.29

Many thanks for your help!

There seems to be a bug on certain systems to display the help information. Here are the commands you can use: 

General options:

-h [–help] Print command line help and exit
-v [–version] Print version information and exit
-l [–license] Print license information and exit
–cmd Run in command line mode
-c [–config] Show and/or update the application settings
-i [–images] arg Input images directory

-t [–tags] arg File with tags coordinates in one of the two formats:
tagname_code_corner, x, y, z
tag code, corner, x, y, z
Use comma or space as a delimiter.

–foot If the coordinates are in foot
–usetags arg Use the file with tags coordinates: 0 or 1
-d [–db] arg Path to the camera database with initial camera
–usedb arg Use the camera database: 0 or 1
-o [–output] arg Path to output file
-f [–format] arg Output format: text, bingo or project
-s [–delimiter] arg Delimiter for output text format: comma, semicolon,
tab or space
–geotags arg Compute image geotags: 0 or 1

pix4dtagger -c
pix4dtagger -i c:/tagger/images001 -t c:/tagger/gcps.csv -o c:/tagger/markers.csv
pix4dtagger -c -t c:/tagger/tags_3d.csv -f text
pix4dtagger -i c:/tagger/images002 -o c:/tagger/markers.csv

Thanks Pierangelo for your answer, it works fine.

Note for other users: Pix4D tagger is very quiet while processing in command line, so if you try it with a big dataset, you may think that nothing is happening, while it is actually processing. Just be patient or try with a small toy dataset.

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You’re welcome! Glad that it works! :slight_smile:

How make to more of one folders in new project?

@Ronaldo: My understanding is that you are asking if it is possible to create a Pix4Dtagger project from more than one image folder. That is not possible at the moment, you would have to either add all images in the same folder or tag them separately and output a .csv file with the tags. These can be imported in Pix4Dmapper. Please let me know if I misunderstood your question, if that is the case, please provide more information.

Thank you