Pix4D Capture, Follow the Terrain option REQUEST


Are you planning to add " following the terrain elevation variation"  option in android app? Because when flying in Mountain area, default GRID OPTION gives big difference in GSDs. Any advise mapping from top of the mountain with current app?

Also are you planning to implant POLYGONAL MISSION in android version?



Hi Lado,

I reported the terrain awareness / following feature to our product manager to consider it for future development of the app. Also our developers are working on the polygonal mission.


Any news on terrain awareness/follow?


This feature is desperately needed!


Hi Shawn,

We forwarded your vote for this feature. At the moment there is no news regarding this feature.

@Lado, Polygon mission is available on the Android version 4.0.0. and later. Let us know if you have some feedback. We will be glad to hear it. 



Yes I agree, I also fly in mountainous terrain and really would be a excellent feature.


Same here. I am currently interested at Parrot Disco Pro (ag), but as far as I know it uses Pix4D capture as autopilot and that makes working in hilly areas really difficult. I’ve already had problems with Phantom 4 with this, but the problems will be even bigger with fixed wing drones. I do hope that the update is coming soon.


This is a major improvement if it will be availeble.

You got it all now (changing batteries, polygonal surface, double flights, circular and manual flights) it only misses terrain awereness…

This should be great and specially for guys like me that prepare missions in the office (I’ve got the IOS version).



I agree that the terrain awareness option should be one the most wanted improvements in the capture App. eMotion from sensefly has it and it works pretty good.

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In Android and IOS version.

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Hi all,

Thank you for your interests. Be reassured that every single comment is read and taken into account. A terrain awareness feature for Pix4Dcapture is definitely considered with a high priority for the future.




Do you have an estimation of this release? 

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Hello Simon, 

We can not provide any timeline for this feature. We will communicate as often as necessary on this thread when any updates.


I would vote for this feature too.  Seems like a very important option.  Having a desktop mission planning component would be amazing too.  Seems like you guys could do it better than UgCS.  Please work your magic!  :slight_smile:

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I would vote for this feature too. The topography of our country (Japan) has a steep slope. So this feature is required. Switzerland is also the same topography, isn’t it?

Hello Michael and Yasumichi,

Your feedbacks have been taken into account.
Indeed, I can confirm that Switzerland is not like Belgium for example and it is far from being flat and is probably similar to Japan on this point.


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Buenos dĂ­as, por favor algĂşn estimado de tiempo para poder realizar este upgrade?, gracias.

This is SO needed! According to your article here, “Single flight following the terrain elevation variation (recommended)” is the way to go. But pix4d mapper does not support this feature? Or am I misunderstanding?

Our farm is on a mountainside with varying elevations, so I am trying to find a way to capture “single flight following the terrain elevation.” Any tips on how to do this with any app is appreciated. I use iOS, but have an android device as well if needed.

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You can see I inquired about this feature over a year ago. I’ve given up on a Pix4D solution even though I use the software for processing images. I use Map Pilot by Maps Made Easy on iOS. It works really well for the most part. Maybe someday Pix4D will give us terrain follow but I’ve moved on for now.