Pix4D Capture app on Android - output directory options

Can the Pix4d Capture (v. 3.3.1)  “output directory” be changed to the SD card on the smartphone rather than it saving to the phone’s memory picture folder?  I have tried to change this in the settings and Pix4d Capture tells me the location on the SD card is an invalid path and cannot be used as the output directory.  Any way around this?

Hi Susan,

We always recommend to use our latest version of Pix4Dcapture (currently 3.8.1).

It is possible to change the directory to save pictures and mission files. The path towards the corresponding directory varies from one Android smartphone to the other. The standard path for Samsung mobiles should be something like: ‘’/mnt/extSDCard/‘’.

Pay attention to the fact that the path is case sensitive. Once you enter the new path, it will be set back to the default location in case it is not correct. Enter the path, press OK, then go the home screen, and go back to Settings. If your new path was correct, it should now be displayed.


I have the same problem. I’m trying to change my project folder to external sd card /mnt/external_sd/pix4d_data and I get info that:

"Invalid path

/mnt/external_sd/pix4d_data can not be used as the output directory"

No problem with any folder located on internal tablet memory. I can’t create any new folder on external sd card using “create folder” option in Pix4dcapture select folder menu.

Version 3.8.4

Android 5.1