I have a site where roadway elevation is very important to capture. My experience with Pix4D is that it doesn’t do so well with elevation. Oftentimes, errors will build towards the edges of a project. This is very evident if you compare the drone point cloud to a laser scan point cloud, where the laser scan is known to have good elevation capture.
I want to use laser scan data as MTP’s to hopefully improve the accuracy of the drone point cloud and properly capture the elevation profile of the roadway that I’m interested in. I have tried doing this before but ran into some issues with the coordinate systems. When I obtain my laser scan point cloud, it is in an arbitrary coordinate system in feet, whereas Pix4D seems to like geographically-based coordinate systems. The last time I tried to do this using an arbitrary coordinate system, the project processed without using the GPS data as an initial guess for the camera positions. I would like to use both the GPS data and the laser scan data as MTP’s. Is there a pipeline for achieving this?
Thank you.