Hi Andrew,
If I remember well, the points that are projected on the orthoplane are a weighted average of the images that see that point on the facade. The higher weight will go to the image that has a more direct line of sight to the point, as it is supposed to better see the object. That seems to be what creates the issue you are facing with the line that separates terrestrial and aerial images, where at some point aerial images see the object better, but the quality of the images seems to be less good.
- Is there anyway to tell Pix4D to utilize certain images over others for the orthoplanes? Like a prefer terrestrial images… something? So I can avoid the really bad transition line?
There is no such feature I know about. To avoid the transition line I would recommend the image acquisition plan I commented on your other post.
- Is the image fidelity related to the quality of the point cloud?
The point cloud will be used to generate a Digital Surface Model (DSM) of your facade. The points from the images will then be projected onto that to create the orthoplane itself.
- Why, if an object is _Masked _or Carved out from an image would the object still show in the Orthoplane?
If the object is still there after a Mask is used, it could be that part of the object was not masked in the image. In this case, other images with a different point of view should also be masked to completely remove the background. Do you think this could apply to your case? See point 7. of this article.
The Carve annotation is meant to clean the densified point cloud, but does not stop the content of an image of being projected on the orthoplane.
- Does a higher number of MTPs affect the quality of an orthoplane reconstruction (specifically looking at the wavy building cap in the “good” reconstruction)?
Adding Manual Tie Points (MTPs) can improve the reconstruction of your point cloud and might have an impact on the orthoplane itself. I would also check if there is noise in the edges of the building that you could remove by using the point cloud editing tool.
- Would I get a better orthographic projection by having a super high quality 3D model constructed, and then rendering out the elevations? (this means I don’t get a “to scale” elevation, but I’m looking for good quality, not to scale).
Not sure what you mean here.
Something you could try is to create a project where only images that see the facade (but that still have enough overlap between each other) are used and try to generate the orthoplane again.
Hope this helps!