All my outputs from my project are properly georeferenced (contour lines in ARC MAP) and Google Earth tiles in Google Earth, but the orthomosaics from the same project are off by half a continent. Any suggestions?
And, I used the same projection for my 3d Ground Control Points as I used as my output coordinate system. The images were georeferenced using a different coordinate system. I tried running it with the photos being georeferenced and without any georeferencing - same results both ways.
I have a similar problem. I have field surveyed GCP points and the camera generated an EXIF containing Lat/Long/vertical values.
I left the image coordinates at WGS 84 and set the GCP coordinates to NAD83(NSRS2007) Tennessee State Plane (ftUS). The output coordinates were also set to NAD 83Tennessee State.
There are 60 images in a rectangle oriented east/west (5 flight lines +/- 12 images per line). The GCP points are in the corners of the rectangle area. The GCP’s appear on at least 5 images. The images were taken with a 70% forelap and 40% sidelap. Flight height was set to 300 feet.
I process through to orthomosiac and reference the mosaic to CAD information generated from field survey data (Shopping Mall & Parking area). The mosaic is off by about 2.5 ft in the x direction and 1.5’ in the y direction.
The GCP points are outside the mapping area but inside the photographed area.
The project was flown with a DJI Phantom 3 Professional with a Sony EXMOR camera.
@Merlin, what third party software you used? Please make sure that you use the right coordinate system and all the orthomosaic files: PRJ, TFW, TIF, JSON, are stored in the same folder.
@Paul, this looks more like an accuracy related problem. Did you face similar problems in more recent projects?
Best regards,