No GCP files in the Quarry Sample Dataset

Though mentioned in the example project, these two files are not found in the Quarry sample dataset:

  • inputs/gcp_overview : images that help to identify each GCPs
  • inputs/gcpPositionsLatLongAlt.csv : GCP input geolocation file.

The example project page is:


Hi Ying Zhong,

You were absolutely right.
We had replaced the old data set with a new one that did not contain the GCPs.
I have been trying to get this information for the last two weeks without any success so far.
I am still waiting for it  and as soon as I get the new data set with all corresponding information I will publish it.
Meanwhile, I have updated the link with the old data set so every one can download and use the GCPs.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Ying Zhong,

I would like to inform you that the Example Project page has been updated!
Sorry for the delay.
Enjoy our sofware!