I’m learning how to use your app and software. So far looks impressive. Before fieldwork sometimes you can make flight plans in office and verify them later on field to evade obstacles for example. However the imagery that this app uses is not sufficient to some specific needs, so it would be easier to load personal georeferenced images that suits those specific needs to either the app or the software or be able to upload the waypoints of the flight plan.
Maybe using a plugin that loads wms, bingmaps googleearth imagery or geotiffs offline?
This would be a really good idea. Often the satellite imagery is out of date, or really poor resolution. It would be great to be able to add cadastral data or other custom data to the mission planning interface.
We are aware that the maps of Mapbox are not always very accurate. The advantage of using Mapbox is that it allows us to cache the maps which is not possible with Google Maps for example. Caching the maps is an important feature for us since it allows you to see the maps in the background when there is no internet connection.
Note that in the next release of the iOS version the application we will be using Apple map services. So the accuracy in iOS might be different.
It is a good suggestion to implement a feature that allows you to plan your mission more accurately. We will pass it to our product management team.
Just to push this message back up to the surface - it still would be a very helpfull feature if one would be able to either define waypoints from which to start to define a grid, or to be able to load a different mapfile on which the area to be mapped has been marked. Any plans yet for this to be implemented in future releases?
The way we do this now in the field is to manually fly the Inspire to the corners of the area that is to be mapped, and then plot the grid based on the onscreen flightpath from that flight.
Hi Jannes,
Have you tried the option to import a .kml or .kmz file for planning your flight with Android?
Hi all,
This topic is over 2 years old and seems not getting it implemented.
The ability of planning the mission by waypoint would be very much desired by the professional mapping community in handling larger projects. The present method of using polygonal mission does not ensure flightlines in different flights to align the way we wanted and causing so much more processing efforts in the later stage in Pix4DMapper. (flightline not in consistent spacing and produce much more photos then it is actually needed)
I would urge the developer to look into this requirement, which also relate to processing ability of Pix4DMapper for larger area.
Regards, Yau
I understand that for the purpose of professional mapping, planning a mission by waypoint would be helpful. I can report this need to our product manager, however, I do not believe it will be implemented soon as we have very few requests at the moment.
In the meantime, I am trying to understand the problem with the flight lines alignment without consistent spacing and with too many images. Do you perhaps have a screenshot of the mission view of Pix4Dcapture? To trigger fewer pictures, you can simply reduce the front and side overlap in the app settings. Do you mean that you would like to change the orientation of the flight lines?
Hi all,
I was just searching online to see if it is possible to actually add coordinates in the Pix4Dcapture app when planning for missions before going out in the field. I see this was brought up before and nothing has been done yet to improve this for users.
Any feedback on if this feature will be integrated anytime soon?
Hi Sara,
You can´t directly import the coordinate to the PIx4Dcapture app. However, you can import the .kml/.kmz file into the android version of the Pix4Dcapture app. These files can contain those coordinates, which might be helpful while defining the boundary of your mission. For more information, I would recommend you to go through our support article on (Android) Import .kml/.kmz file.