Multispectral with GCP - Not processing

HI all,

I am having trouble process in RedEdge Multispectral imaging with GCP. I am processing step one and then selecting the GCP for each band layer. This is not working very well and the layers don’t process correctly. Please see the attached quality report.



Hi Andrew,

From the screenshot, it seems that the GCP’s has have not been marked accordingly. Could you give me more details on how you marked the GCPs (ray-cloud or basic editor, have you marked them in all the bands? etc …)




HI Ina,

I used the basic editor and all bands were marked.



Hi Andrew,

From the quality report, I could see that the GCP’s are marked outside of the project (look at the screenshots below):


To make sure that the GCP’s correctly places could you please try the following:

  1. Deleted the current GCP’s

  2. Reoptimized

  3. Import again the GCP’s and carefully mark them as per the instructions are given in my last reply

  4. Reoptimize


Let me know how it went.


