Very impressed with Pix4dMatic, after the hours of my life wasted removing vehicles from roadways in mapper the deghosting is a game changer. I like that you can queue projects to process but have found intermittent crashes that make leaving it unattended difficult. The recovery is great but the time missed while machines are not processing is a challenge. Are there any workflows that offer another method of queueing possibly with auto restart on fail? I know this can be done outside of pix with watch folders and scheduling just curious if anything more integrated?
Hello. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you.
I passed it on to our product teams. Even though we cannot guarantee that a solution will be implemented, I can assure you that every piece of feedback is internally evaluated at Pix4D.
Are there any workflows that offer another method of queueing possibly with auto restart on fail
Unfortunately, no. The workaround would be to find projects with Recovery tag in the welcome view and click on these projects to start the processing again.