Hi everyone,
I miss some info in the quality report - the image in the “Overlap” section is blank, “Area covered” is also not reported - it is 0.000 km2.
Do you have any idea why it happens like this?
Many thanks
P.S. Please find the quality report attached to this post
2field-multispectral-20210611_report.pdf (1.1 MB)
Have you tried regenerating the quality report? On the Menu bar, click Process > Quality Report… (active once step 1. Initial Processing has been completed). The Quality Report opens in a pop-up window.
Could you please send us the project log file (text file): …\project_name\project_name.log?
Hi Nikoleta,
the quality report was attached to the previous post. I generated the quality report after adding GCPs. Please find a log file attached to this post (i compressed the file because of size limitations on your side).
2field-multispectral-20210611.zip (630.1 KB)
P.S. Besides, the drone is DJI P4 Multispectral.
Many thanks,
Also, I can provide raw data of a smaller field, so you can stitch the photos and generate a quality report by yourself just to see if you get the same problem. Many thanks
Hi @andrius.aleliunas,
Have you tried to process with a previous (4.5.6) or the latest version (4.7.1) of PIX4Dmapper?
Hi Nikoleta,
I’ve tried 4.7.1 - still the same problem. I have not tried 4.5.6 because as I try to download it, I get redirected to https://www.pix4d.com/download/pix4dmapper
Can also provide raw data of a smaller field, in order to reproduce the issue?
Hi Nikoleta,
here is a link to the raw file folder (3.86 Gb):
Also, here is a quality report of that field:
4field-multispectral-20210604_report.pdf (937.0 KB)
Also, here is a log file (zipped, as the size is ~16 Mb):
4field-multispectral-20210604.log.zip (1.2 MB)
Many thanks,
Can you please try to process the multispectral images separately from the RGB images?
If you wish to merge the projects afterwards you can follow instructons from this article https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038663932-Merging-multispectral-projects-in-Pix4Dmapper.
I processed the way I described and the quality report looks good.
NEW_report.pdf (892.0 KB)
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Hi Nikoleta,
thank you very much for this! Your help is much appreciated! I think there should be no problem of processing the multispectral images separately.
Thank you again!