Mavic and eBee Plus volume differential. Partially GCP issue.


I use an eBee Plus for stockpile volumes and I’m currently testing a Mavic Pro for smaller properties.  The eBee and Pix4D work great together and get around 0.5-1.5% difference (compared to the manual survey) in volume calcs for most stockpiles.  However running the Mavic Pro on the same stockpiles I get a consistent 17 or 22% increase in volumes on the stockpiles.  This is a 15 acre site, 9 GCP.   Looking at the Mavic data you can see the GCP clearly under the pile…

Hoping for some input from the forum. TIA

Hi Edward, 

It is difficult to say what the issue is. We know that there can be autofocus issues with the DJI Mavic Pro, which might give less accurate results in the end. However, there can also be other reasons that explain this difference. 

Please send us the Quality Report and Log file of the project through a new request and mention that it is related to the Forum post: 

Thank you, 