Lumpy Cloud?

Ortho comes out ok but cloud and mesh are lumpy and not true to surface.

7 GCP’s used- no manual tie points). 1 Gcp elevation error of 50mm but hardly enough to give grief.

The dense cloud was anything but dense. Comes out sparse. When re-run it comes out like bubbles with heaps of noise. Its an industrial site with plenty of features to “tie” to. Mesh and DSM are cooked too.

Watched about an hour of YouTube, tried chat GPT and various photogrammetry chat threads to give me an error process breakdown. No luck

Not sure if it’s a settings thing or capture? Did 3 passes with 75% overlaps at 70mAGL- 2 nadir at opposing directions and 1 pass at 65, 2 second shutter capture in the mission. Images look clear and plenty of over lap.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Could you share the settings that you use to process this dataset, please (calibration and densification)?

You can also check this support page for the optimal calibration settings for your project Calibration - PIX4Dmatic

Kind regards,