Large site mission

Hi, newbie question alert,

I want to plan a large mission, say 8km from home, then turn up on site and launch it, broken down into 1km chunks and multiple batteries. Is this possible? If so, how do I do it?



Hello @smithandrew493, I would suggest you to go through the below support articles.
(Android) Flying large areas / How to fly large areas
Multi-battery / How to operate multi-battery flights
Offline basemap and missions / How to operate flights without internet

Hi, thanks for this. I’m an iOS user, not Android. How can I split a large project with Pix4D Capture? I can’t add to an existing one either? I’m using an iPad and a Mavic 2 Pro

Thank Kapil,

I followed the links, but I still can’t seem to find a way to do it.

I should have specified, I am an iOS user, not an Android user, and am flying a Mavic 2 Pro.

I need to plot out a large area - 8km square, and break the mission down into small chunks (projects). Say, 500m sq. How do I do this? I can plot the 8km sq grid in the Pix 4 D Capture app, but can’t see how to split it.

I also saw the page showing how you can add flights to a project. But there is no ‘Add’ button on the app interface for me. I have to do it by eye, which is really inaccurate.

The closest I have managed to achieved is the following, which I had to match by eye using Photoshop to check if it had worked. As you can see, there is a lot of overlap and a lot of gaps. Not ideal. I need to do exactly what I am trying to do here, but accurately and automatically.

It looks like you can do it when I watch your videos, but I can’t see how.

Please help.


Andrew Smith
Art Direction, Design, Aerial Film & Photography

M: 07703 000 451

Best Creative 2020 - Finalist - The Nods
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Hello @smithandrew493,
The option to add multiple missions under one project is only available on the android version of Pix4Dcapture. You can also plan one large mission and change the battery during the mission. You can resume the mission, from the point where you have stoped the drone to change the battery. Multi-battery / How to operate multi-battery flights

The better option is to manually divide the project area into multiple missions. There is not any feature on the Pix4Dcapture app that will automatically divide/split the project into multiple missions. When you manually divide the project into small missions, I would suggest you have some overlap between the mission itself so that it would be helpful while you process those images.