Importing Points/AR Feature

While testing the import points feature to use with the AR capabilities in Catch, the points were in a LABEL,Y,X,Z,… format and in the coordinate system for the point collection in US Ft. It appears that the import correctly brought in the Y,X coordinates but converted the Z to meters and put the point at an incorrect Z. In order to get the points in correctly, I converted the original ft value to meters and reimported and that corrected the height, so it appears something is incorrect in the import routine?

After taking a look at this issue, I was unable to reproduce. The app correctly imports the XYZ measurements in both meters and US feet:

I strongly suggest downloading the latest app version 1.30.2, because we implemented some big fixes that might related to what you previously encountered:

Looking forward to your feedback!


Looks like that did the trick, thank you

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