Does the indentifier in 1_initial/params/project_name_tp_pix4d.txt relate to 1_initial/project_data/result_tracks2_full_1.las?
The highest number in pix4d.txt matches the number of points in result_tracks2_full_1.las
In pix4d, I can see that the ATP number matches with result_tracks2_full_1.las, because the x/y/z coordinate is the same.
However, in the tp_pix4d.txt, the coordinate in the photos are not what I expect, so maybe the id in the tp_pix4d.txt does not match the las file.
Hi Rode,
Files in the /project_data/ are used for internal processing of the software. Difficult to say what identifiers relate to each other and what matches.
What are you using these files for? Or for what are you planning to use them?
I want to make an application that can determine 3d coordinates if you click on the original photos. Basically what pix4d provides with manual tie points/check points, but then in my own application instead of pix4d.
Do you have a specific use case already?
Yes, I do have a specific use case, but I cannot discuss that on a public forum. Is there some way we can talk privately, for example via email. Do you have the email address that is associated with my profile on this forum?
Yes, I’ve created a ticket out of the post so that I can get in touch with you through email.
I’ll set the status of this post to answered, as the concerned files are mainly for internal usage of the software. Nevertheless, feel free to comment below if there is a question or remark.
Hi, Pierangelo
Is fix now?
I have the same question
Does the indentifier in Tp_pix4d relate to tracks3 or 2 .las?
Hi Wei Ting,
It is difficult to say what identifiers are related to each other and what match.
project_name_tp_pix4d (What does the Output Params Folder contain?)
It contains the image coordinates (for all calibrated images) for the GCPs and Check points and some of the Automatic Tie Points. These coordinates refer to the original (distorted) images. The fourth column is the scale (relative accuracy) of the point. A point with scale 2 is more accurate than a point with scale 4. For example a point that was found on the edge of a building is probably more accurate than a point that was found on the textureless wall of a building.
Where as
result_tracks2_full_1.las and result_tracks3_full_1.las are files of the Automatic Tie Points exported during step 1. Initial Processing when the Camera Internals and Externals, AAT, BBA option is selected in the Processing Options window: Menu Process > Processing Options… > 1. Initial Processing > Calibration. (How to export the Automatic Tie Points?)
If you don’t mind me asking, is there a particular information you would like to know more about?
Perhaps, we can provide further information based on the information you are looking for.
Rosana Lin
I have a similar question but cannot access the related information or posts (How to export the Automatic Tie Points? 3).
I am working on obtaining the 3D coordinates of image key points and need to understand the relationship between the image coordinates of tie points and their 3D coordinates.
Could you please provide assistance with this?