How to import an area of interest polygon in the Pix4DCapture app IOS version?

Hi Alvaro,

I will answer your question on the knowledge base where you also posted it. Indeed the knowledge base article about how to fly the Parrot Disco-Pro Ag is more appropriate than this thread for your question.


Add another +1. I tend to work in newly developed areas where the base mapping isn’t current. Imagine trying to plan a precise flight when all you see in trees in the base mapping…

I will NOT use Pix4D capture until it has a KML import feature.

I will continue using DJI GS Pro.


One more for the import KML feature for iOS please!

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One more for the import of KMZ/KML for iOS!!

Please, this is very useful for those who need to be sure of the overlap between two different flights. I’m sure you have enough interested users to implement this… And I would be one of the happy guys! Android is not a possibility for me… :frowning:

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2 years and still waiting…Our business is looking at moving our post processing elsewhere

I have a requirement to fly a user-defined polygon within the confines of a quarry in order to achieve the required GSD of the pit floor (detail of which is lost by launching from the crest, not to mention the magnitudes of extra images produced as the software thinks it’s only flying at 5m AGL…)

Any imagery near the quarry walls is just tempting fate with the poor accuracy of the available on-line basemaps.

Adding my request to the (long) waiting list for ability to import…

Thank you.

+1 for KML importing in iOS.

I can’t fathom how this isn’t a feature. I’m stuck using MapPilot for now, but would love to streamline our mapping with using only Pix4D software.

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+1 for the ability to import KML to iOS version of Pix4DCapture.

+1 for the ability to rename missions in iOS version of Pix4DCapture.

+1 for the ability to group multiple double grid missions in one project in Pix4DCapture, where you can see all the other missions in that project and see where you have flown - this would ease the pain of not having KML import ability.

As a workaround, I created some double-grid missions (not yet flown) and shared them with myself. But the *.p4d file does not open in Pix4D desktop. How do i view this file I am sharing? Is it only for sharing to another iOS to open in Pix4DCapture?

Thank you.

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omg. am i the 1.000th users who will ask when this feature added to iOS…? lol…
fyi, i, probably we, have many problem using pix4d with android (high end android), still very laggy, lost signal, overheating device, image not capture,. i use android just because it able to import .kml.

anyway, if developer cant added it to iOS, what if u add some feature for added polygon manually based on geographic coordinate.
just like mission planer.apk (android), even we have to type many point for that AOI.

please dev…
we was waiting this for 2 years…



additional user to request the import of KML under IOS.

I do not understand why previligier only android, while DJI applications under more stable under IOS.

2 years waiting … and still nothing.

Too bad because your app and high performance photogrammetric level and this detail ruin everything.

best regard


saludos a todos por tratar este tema, es una lastima que no se nos de respuesta concreta al tema y no buscar alternativas que me parece que no resuelven el problema, trabajo con pix4d capture dese hace mas de 2años y ahora tengo que realizar vuelos para trazados de nuevas vias en donde el mapa no es suficiente para obtener una ruta de vuelo en donde no tenemos una guia que tan solo se obtendria con un archivo kml, dxf, shape, dwg, he tenido que buscar otras alternativas no habiendo muchas pero si hay
1+ kml iOS

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Agregaron la funcion de importar KMZ en iOS?

Pierdo tiempo y bateria realizando desde el dispositivo conetado al control remoto.



No hemos agregado esa funcionalidad a Pix4Dcapture. Mis compañeros han compartido diferentes alternativas que podrían ayudarle. Además, hemos compartido sus sugerencias con nuestro equipo de trabajo. Gracias por su comprensión.

Saludos cordiales,

Gracias por la respuesta, me parece muy poco serio el desarrollo del software ya que este tema lleva solicitado desde 2017!!!

Al menos puedan hacer que las misiones de Pix4DCapture dan ser planificadas en un PC y que estas misiones se puedan bajar al dispositivo de control de vuelo.


Estimado Alexis,

Muchas gracias por compartir sus sugerencias con nosotros. Hemos añadido diferentes funcionalidades en nuestro software Pix4Dcapture que les permite a nuestros usuarios capturar imágenes gratuitamente.

Sin embargo, no tenemos una fecha exacta en la que vayamos a añadir esta funcionalidad en nuestro software. Si la tenemos, la compartiremos en la comunidad con todos ustedes. Gracias de nuevo por sus sugerencias y comprensión.

And over 3 years later, the much requested feature to simply load a kml/ kmz/ shapefile into the iOs version of Pix4dCapture has still not been addressed. This continues to be frustrating, seeing that the android version is less stable and one cannot change the camera settings :woman_facepalming:t5: or (which is my current issue) that the android version does not support certain platforms such as the Matrice 200 v2.

Is this still in the pipeline or should users who love using this flight planning app move onto other alternatives?

Is it currently possible to import kml or kmz files into Pix4Dcapture on IOS ?

I guess I am a little confused about the developer’s reluctance to address this issue. With the increasing focus on security concerns, many platforms and controllers are forced to work in isolated networks where data can only be entered manually or through a wired system. Especially for some government agencies. I am prohibited from 1. using android due to it’s more open coding formats; and 2. ever connecting my controller to an outside network or to the internet. I am able to use PCs for some of our control stations but I cannot do that for many of our UAS platforms. My agency alone has licensed dozens of seats of Pix4D and when you count all other agencies within our framework, I’m sure it is in the hundreds. Pix4D is incredible software for the most part but the customer responsiveness is frustrating regarding this issue. Even without the kmz, couldn’t there be an option to enter geographic coordinates? While this would be extremely difficult for larger and more complicated sites, it would still be better than nothing. Is the reluctance to address this because you don’t charge for Pix4DCapture? Then charge a fee for the capability and I bet most of the commenters above would pay it. I certainly would.


How is it that since this thread started 5 years ago PIX4D have still not implemented KML import into iPhones? This is beyond ridiculous. You have people begging for it yet you ignore it.

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