How open DTM(*.tiff) file open with pix4d mapper?
And i want to know how can i get the contour about DTM.
I found this information in manual.
But this is not work.
I want to information for this troubles.
Thank you.
How open DTM(*.tiff) file open with pix4d mapper?
And i want to know how can i get the contour about DTM.
I found this information in manual.
But this is not work.
I want to information for this troubles.
Thank you.
Hi Soochang,
You cannot import an external DTM file in Pix4Dmapper. It is only possible to generate the DTM of a project processed with Pix4Dmapper.
In the Process menu you can find the Run Terrain / Object Point Cloud Classification tool, which classifies the points of the point cloud into terrain and object points. After the two point groups are created, you can run the Generate DTM tool to generate the DTM of your area. However, this tool is still in a beta version and manual editing of the point cloud to correctly assign the points in the right point group will be probably needed. If you generate the contour lines by clicking Process _> _Generate Contour Lines, the contour lines will be based on the DTM.
Is this the procedure you are following? What is the problem you are facing?