I am running a RGB standard process (plus MNS and MNT) and i get the following error :
“[Warning]: CudaException catch : Cuda processing error.”
at the end of first process : Computing Images then process is stuck and never go ahead
Not sure if my station could be involved ?
I already got similar messages with “Falling back to CPU” at the end and process was going ahead .
Driver version is 388.13
I tied to upgrade but could not due to system level.
I created a custom camera model for P4PRO camera (based on exif) and did not save it in DB so need to re-assign it
to project ( i get this error when using standard P4PRP model (in DB).
Not sure of actual cause.
Testing by using custim model and checking dsm dtm features.
Via the support ticket, I recommended that you start with a clean install of Pix4D and update the GPU driver. If that works let us know.
Did that and get no error anymore
Thank You