generate reflecttance map (group) failed with error: "bad allocation" (FAILED)



i tried to calculate double grid (for 3d models) pictures and circular (for single 3d moidel) of the same model together and got this error:

generate reflecttance map (group) failed with error: “bad allocation” (FAILED)

 is it generally not possible to calculate this two positions togehther?

king regards,


Hi Kai,

We are trying to troubleshoot your issue in the support ticket. I will update here once we solve it. I think it is a hardware issue.

Dear Momtanu,

I’m experiencing the same issue as Kai.
I’m trying to generate a reflectance map of an area.
Also, a double grid of an area and circular for a single object.
Can you please asses me in solving the issue?

Thank you,

Hi Suzana,
For us to best help you we will need your quality report. This will tell us much about your project. You can either upload it here. Or you can open a support ticket and one of our support engineers can assist you.

I also have this message:
Generating reflectance map tiles [group1]<<< failed with error (bad allocation)!
How can I get support on this?

Please upload your log file to this post.