Feature request: Creating buffers around spot spraying cells

Hey! Love the latest release. It’s such a huge improvement and saves me a massive amount of time.

One feature I would like to see in future is an option to create buffers around each individual cell when creating a spot spraying map.

It would help account for any inaccuracies in the sprayer guidance and also off target drift from wind.

For example at the moment I create a map with 1m cells, export that to QGIS, create a buffer of 0.5m around every cell and merge the result. That way I know the weed is in the centre of the cell rather than right on the edge. I miss a lot fewer weeds this way. Being able to do this in pix4D fields would make life a lot easier :slight_smile:



Hi Michael,

We are glad to hear that you like our latest release! Tha buffer option is very much needed, we agree!

I will share feedback with the team. Let’s see if there are more comments from other users. ç


Thanks very much, that would be great
