Exporting numerical data


I’m new to Pix4dMapper.

I want to compare the average NDVI in several distinct regions of a field. Is it possible to get basic stats (min, max, mean, sd etc.) for each region in the form of a .csv or .xls file?

Basically, I would like to be able to export the “prescription” tables that I can visualize from the “4. Color Maps and Prescription section” of “index calculator”.

Thank you for your help.


PIX4Dmapper, you can work with the Index Calculator to analyze and export data related to NDVI and other indices. The “Color Maps and Prescription” section allows you to classify the Index Map based on indices values. While the export options primarily focus on exporting index values and prescription rates as polygon shapefiles, you can also export classes as a .shp file, which can be used for further analysis.

For exporting detailed statistics like min, max, mean, and standard deviation for each region, you might need to process the shapefile data in a GIS software that supports statistical analysis and export the results in .csv or .xls format. PIX4Dmapper itself does not directly export these statistics in .csv or .xls formats from the Index Calculator