Export an operation PDF report error

When I try to export a PDF report’ operation, Pix4d gets freeze at loading 40% and it can be hours without finishing or giving an error.

This only happens when I try to export an operation for spot spraying.


Could you please share the project log files? Go to Export, log files.

sure thing.

thanks in advance

4d184f11-276e-49a6-9319-85c000ffeb94_logfile.log (385.6 KB)
applicationLog.log (360.8 KB)

Thank you, as I can’t replicate on my side, we will need the compelte project, if you can, please go to Export, Project. I will share a link to your email

Alright, thank you. I will send u the project to your email.

For the record. This error that I am getting is not only with this project. It is happening with all projects since pix4d updated last time.

I do a prescription based on a TGI index of a RGB flight. Following the steps of this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-ycuKz1DF0&t=12s

so When I export the pdf, it stops loading at 40% and it stays there foreverm, and sometimes it happens the same when I try to export an operation for a generic tracto on a GEOTiff file.

I tried to send you the project, but archives are too large to send them through here.

I sent a link though GOOGLE Drive.

Got it, I already uploaded the project.

Thank you! we will investigate and get back to you.

Hi there, is there any news about that error. I still cant do any PDF report with Spot Spraying.

Hi, yes, we found it is related to the size of the Operation. We are working on a solution.
You will have to increase the grid size to export it to the PDF for now. Try around 0.5mts or more.

Hi, I just tried 1 m operation’s size and it worked out. 0.5 did not work. So I am trying in the range of 0.5 to 1 m and see what it the smallest I can go so far.

Thank you so much.