Hi Pix4D team,
I have a Pix4D version 4.3.33. I have created a project 2 years back and successfully process the data. Due to lack of space in hard disk of workstation, we shifted the complete project folder including p4d file and other stuff (images etc) in an external hard disk.
Few days back, we tried to retrive the project from the external hard disk, and we could open it successfully. We alter some of the GCPs (removed some of the GCPs giving high errors), and again processed the data by the standard 3 step process. Pix4D software calibrated the images, then we saved the details, and generated the quality report. Error is much less as we removed the errorneous GCPs. After that, we started the process of re-optimizing the project. Though, It started and aborted the process stargely after few hours and did not generate the point cloud. Pix4D showed the error (0e004b). Later, we closed the project. And now whenever we are opening the project in the same machine and with the same version of pix4D, it is giving the same error repetitively (Cannot open project. Invalid format (e0400b)).
Please note that I have read all online guidlines and I verfied that:
Version is old and I am opeining the old project in the same version on the same workstation. I have checked the p4d file by opening it in notepadd++ (line 35) that version is correct.
The project file is not corrupt (all image paths are well defined in p4d file). By looking at the paths in p4d file, we verified that all images are available in correct folders as specified in p4d file.
I don’t want to loose this project file as the project file contains GCPs, which we cannot recall and reassign as we performed our work 2 years back.
How can I open and process the same project in pix4D without loosing the same GCPs? Please share the details…
Best Regards,