EDL shading

Hi guys,

When we work with some datasets and classify (with solid colours) points they can become very difficult to work with since all features more or less disappears. In many other softwares it’s possible to see features and details thanks to EDL shading.

Is this something that is going to be added to Survey?

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Hi @martin3,

Thank you for your question.
At the moment you can turn on or off the classes, this will let you know the color of the points.


what you can do is to enable the classes but remove the “show in monochrome” option for the “Never classified” class (image below)


Doing so, you will see the solid color only for already classified points.

Is your request more in the direction of still seeing the class’s colors but with a bit of transparency to see features?


Hi Danielle,

The request is mostly related to working with LiDAR pointclouds that isn’t colorized (RGB).

Since these are always turning black when importing to Survey, toggling class colours on/off doesn’t do much difference. So the shading feature would be very helpful in order to bring more life and detail to them.

In most of the LiDAR-software this function is more or less essential. Then having Survey support things like intensity etc. would be the next step I guess :blush:

Martin Andersson

VD/Daglig leder

Scandinavian Drone


+47 46800143 / +46 704049049

Bergen, Norge / Halmstad, Sverige


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Hi Martin,

Thanks for your interest in our products.
We have passed your feedback and your feature request to our developers.

Dont hesitate to reach out at any time to let us know your feedback or questions.
It will be our pleasure to assist you.

Have a very nice day!

Best regards,

Hi Martin,

Maybe using the color-by elevation option can help for the lidar point clouds.
it can be activated in the settings, it applies to all imported point clouds for the moment

I hope this information was useful four you.
In any case, we are taking notes about your needs.

Have a very nice day!

Best regards

Yes, it sometimes helps a little bit but even then it would actually benefit a lot by having shading added.

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Hi, maybe this tutorial can help: