I plan on taking the online course, doe it utilize the cloud or do I have download the software on my computer?
I plan on taking the online course, doe it utilize the cloud or do I have download the software on my computer?
Are you referring to the Pix4Dmapper Essentials online course?
As mentioned in the FAQs, you will need:
My colleagues from Training will be able to provide you with more information the next week, if needed.
I have pix4d mapper trail downloaded for course purpose. it supposed to be fully functional for 15days but some of the functions are unavailable which makes me unable to finish my course. I paid for the course and it says the program will be fully functional for 15 days and now its not. Why nowhere is mentioned that i also have to pay for the program to do and finish the course and certification?
When you log in to PIX4Dmapper be sure not to log into PIX4Ddiscovery. Discovery is our free version which has limited functionality. It appears you are logged into Discovery so log out and then log back in. But select Mapper. I hope this helps.