Desktop Pix4Dmapper: cannot import shapefile as a processing area


whenever I want to import a shapefile by following: view > map view > processing area > Import > selecting the file with extension .shp and clicking on “open” I get the following error message and the import is not performed:

“cannot Import valid area from the selected file.” warning w0048.

I have no idea how to solve that problem.

Hi Claudia,

Pix4D Desktop failed to import your shapefile because it is a polyline and not a polygon.

For future projects, please ensure that your shapefile is defined as a polygon and not as a polyline. If your SHP is a polyline, convert it to a polygon with a compatible third-party software, and then import it into Pix4D Desktop.

Hope this will help,


Hi Marco,

thanks for your reply.

I thought that the files provided for the exam where ready to use without any further conversion.

I am referring to the processing area files provided for exam action item four.

I thought the reason for my problem might be that the file name mentioned in the instructions pdf differs from the name of the files being provided for the download, I mean the file name before the extension .shp.

Would be great if you could check the files being provided for the exam download.

Thanks Claudia

Hi Claudia,

I did not understand that you were referring to a shapefile provided by one of our training programs. Under normal circumstance, the files provided for the exam are ready to use without any further conversion

I will report this to our Training Team.

Thank you for your feedback. Your comments are precious.


Hi Claudia,

You will receive a direct message shortly regarding the error message that you received.



Any update on this? I get the same warning when importing a .shp polygon. Thanks!


Would you please clarify if you have a problem importing the files that are provided for the exam?