Conflicting assertions in "How to use a processing area"?


Do the two assertions in bold conflict (the first and last assertions)?

"If there is a processing area after processing step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index:

*** Results of step 1. Initial processing, step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh, and step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index will not be affected.**

  • The display of the automatic tie points and the dense point cloud will be affected.

  • The dense point cloud exported through the list of layers will be affected. For more information about how to export the point cloud: How to export the point cloud.

*** The 3D textured mesh generated after step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh will be affected."**

Hi John_Githens,

Thank you for your feedback here. This article could use some editing/updating for more clarity, and will address this.

I believe this is feedback regarding the clarity and accuracy of the content written. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with regarding processing areas.
