Cleaning up the point cloud

his is the continuation of the threat started here:

I am finally happy ith the accuracy of the reconstruction. We are flying much closer to towers and taking at least 1000 photos while on the site with our P4P V 2.0 drones. While everything gets reconstructed well, we are also picking up a lot of “noise” and hence my question:
In such situation, we will have to use the “carve” tool on how many photos to eliminate the sky? Would lets just say processing about 10 photos or so with the carve tool be enough to get good results?
Any other pointers in regards to getting “cleaner” results?


Unfortunately, I can’t tell you if it will be enough. However, as the effect of the annotation is immediately visible in the 3D View, you can try only with a few images.

Additionally, I wouldn’t recommend processing with the Multiscale option enabled.

Please look at the following example to notice the difference. On the left, the noise is clearly visible (Multiscale enabled), while on the right, it almost doesn’t exist (Multiscale disabled).

By the way, this is awesome :slight_smile:


Hello Beata,
Thank you for your feedback.
My output gets chopped off when disabling multiscaling. The noise is much less indeed but MOST of the tower is gone as well. With multiscale enabled I get beautiful reconstruction but unusable because of the noise. It has gotten better after using the carve tool to filter out the sky (btw the carve tool is buggy - after you use it for 10 minutes + the system starts to “pretend” to mark off random elements of the photo you are trying to “carve”. However, once you mouse over these "pretended’ elements they just disappear from selection)…


Thank you for your message.

Apparently we discovered two extremes. Either we have too many points or too few. In the Quality Report, I saw that you selected high parameter in point density. Could you try with optimal? It should give us less points but at the same time more accurate.

I’m sorry to hear about your struggle with the tool. I’ll pass your feedback to our developers.

If Pix4Dmapper didn’t give you the expected results you can try our new solutions for inspection purposes - Pix4Dscan and Pix4Dinspect. If you’re interested, please contact our Sales Department to speak about trial version.
