Can images from reflectivity panels be used on multiple flights?

Hello everyone. I am working on an assessment of several agricultural fields taking multispectral images with several DJI Mavic 3M UAVs. Since I only have one reflectivity panel to perform the radiometric calibration of all UAVs, I would like to know if it is possible that with just one capture of the panel with a specific UAV I can make several flights with it at different times (after several days). That is, if I can do radiometric calibration of images from multiple flights made several days after the panel was captured with a UAV.

With the irradiance value obtained from the capture of the panel and during the flights, is it possible to think that the adjustment to obtain the absolute reflectivity value is to a greater extent a function of each camera and not of the lighting conditions? The above considering that the atmospheric effects are negligible.

Hello dportilla,

Unfortunately, this will not work. The image captures of the calibration panel need to be done either right before or right after the flight. This is because the whole purpose of the radiometric calibration panels is to account for the lighting conditions.

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Thanks for your reply Mike_k. I thought that the lighting conditions recorded by the DLS both at the calibration panel capture and during flight make it possible to estimate reflectance under changing lighting conditions, which would allow perhaps multiple flights to be performed with a single calibration panel capture.