@Joseph: On your SD card, there should be a .txt
file giving some feedback on the last updates / errors (as described in DJI’s document, linked in the “Install the DJI beta firmware” section above). What is it saying?
@Simon: Thanks for the report, we will try to test that!
@Marco: Capture 2.0.3 requires 01.04.X! So the answer is “yes”.
@Giljae: What do you mean with “cannot recognize the SD card”? Does it prevent the drone from flying? The SD card feedback in the telemetry popup is currently disabled because of the P3/I1 integration, sorry for that. If it prevents you from making missions, then it is a bug. Let me know!
@Teejay: It is already in Capture 2.0.3 beta. It flies and takes pictures. The synchronization (copying images from the drone to the phone) is not stable so it crashes for big missions. We are working on that, and we hope that the next firmwares will make things more stable!
@GUIILERMO: Which version of the firmware do you have on your drone? You cannot downgrade the firmware on your drone anyway. If you have version 01.04.X, then you need Capture 2.0.3. If you don’t, then maybe you should update your firmware. If you want to downgrade Capture, please contact support@pix4d.com.
@vicente: Did you upgrade both the firmware and Capture? Capture 2.0.3 only supports firmwares 01.04.X (that is not our choice, we are sorry for this issue).
@lior: You are right with the “Beta Firmware” on DJI download page. But the current version is 01.04.0005. I never had access to 01.04.0001, so I don’t know if it is compatible or not. Could you try version 01.04.0005? That is the one we are using at Pix4D right now.
@Keenan: Can you develop on this need? Why is it not enough as it is now?
@johannes: Is it working with DJI Go? Did you select “I1 (beta)” in the dropdown list in the Map View? Did you try to restart your phone and your drone, connect the phone to the remote controller, and then start Capture? Is it better?
- The battery level is always showing on the upper right corner of the Map View. If you click on it, then you will see the telemetry appearing.
- We are sorry for the interference between Capture and DJI Go. We believe that the SDK should handle that better, since we have no control over DJI Go from Capture.
- Happy to see that it can take pictures successfully for you!
- It is normal that the HDMI screen becomes black while taking a picture ;-).
- The focal difference is a bug in Pix4Dmapper. We are working on that, sorry for the inconvenience!
@gmclamo: I am not completely sure what you are talking about. Are you talking about firmware 01.04.X beta from DJI? Please read the information in the original post by Paul (above) about all that. Basically, you need to have the beta firmware from DJI in order to use Capture 2.0.3 beta.