2 layers in point cloud


I think I have the same issue, which is also described here: Point Cloud Error - Overlapped points.

In several areas of my projects I got a situation when resulting orthophoto was skewed and there were unfixable errors with GCPs. Orthomosaic becomes blurred in such areas. I think I found the reason for it. It seems that the generated point cloud becomes sliced and discontinued (see pictures) at some points. It is strange because there is only one block reported.

I tried to add manual tie points (several) in those areas of discontinuities but it had no effect on the cloud. I also tried to introduce one of such tie points as a GCP. This led me to the big error for that GCP, showing no effect again.

I tried different point cloud resolutions but it also does not help.

Which option should I use and on what stage to correct this behaviour?

Unfortunately I am not able to add more pictures.
