uncalibrated images

Hi,iHave processed the intial processing for 240 images. But there are some images uncalibrated. What maybe the reason for it? here I have attached Snapshot & quality report?


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Hi Selvakumar,

There is many uncalibrated cameras due to the homogeneity of your terrain.
The software is having issue finding tie points between the images in the vegetation area.
So shown by the quality report, there is only 81% of calibrated images that are located within five blocks and the relative difference between initial and optimized internal camera parameters is quite high (26.23%).
We can see that there is little matches in the whole area:

In order to improve the quality of your project I can recommend you the following:

  • Select the Internal Parameters Optimization “All Prior”
  • Reduce (again) the image scale
  • Rematch :“Custom, Rematch”


This should improve the camera calibration.

Hope this will help.

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