Saving Mission for re-fly (Android)

Is it possible to save mission for reuse as the title states? 
This would be important for construction monitoring…

Yes, saving and reflying missions has been implemented on Pix4Dcapture for both Android and iOS. You can save a flight in planning mode via a button in the lower right and then in the future it will appear in the Project List when you restart the app.

I am not seeing that option. I am on android. Can you please provide a screen shot?

Thank you

Certainly Cesar,

The icon in the red box on the lower right-hand side of the image should allow you to save your mission.

Okay, I saw that. But when I start the app. How do I recall the saved mission? I don’t seem to see the project list.

The Project List is available when you first open the app in the bottom left here:


Upon entering the project list you should find your saved projects and associated missions like this:

Oh… how did I miss that. Thank you very much.

If we create a mission on the iOS app and save it for future use, is it saved to the cloud or just locally? Do you need to have a paid plan to use this feature?

Hello @floridadronetech,

Pix4Dcapture is a free app and available to use for everyone. The missions are not saved on the cloud for synchronizing the mission in the future. The missions are saved on the device memory, so you would need to have the same device to repeat the flight again.
