I’m having trouble getting the reflectance targets to work with my M3 Multispectral.
I’m following all the instructions in this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGs_k8WG0PQ&t=2s the only difference is I’m using a Parrot reflectance target.
But I receive an error message saying “Reflectance targets were found however the reflectance factor could not be determined for all bands. Preforming radiometric calibration without reflectance targets”
At 13:30 in the video that guy gets the same error message too lol so I know it’s not just me having problems. You can see it on the left side of the screen.
What should I do differently to get it to work?
Is radiometric calibration really needed?
Here is a link to the shots of the reflectance target I used
The issue is on the Reflectance panel you are using. Only Micasense and Sentera targets are compatible with the Mavic 3 Multispectral.
For more information How to fly and process the DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral in PIX4Dfields
What Reflectance panel should I use?
- The multispectral camera is not fully radiometrically calibrated, as the manufacturer only does a relative calibration. Therefore, the camera will not provide reflectance factors but only relative values proportional to reflectance.
- A reflectance target is required to obtain reflectance factors. Only Micasense and Sentera targets are compatible with the Mavic 3 Multispectral.
- Without such a target, only self-normalizing indices produce meaningful results, i.e. indices that don’t depend on the absolute value. Examples of such indices are NDVI, NDRE, VARI, SIPI2, LCI, BNDVI, and GNDVI. Not self-normalizing are TGI and MCARI.
Hi Jose,
Thanks very much. I will order a Sentera target and give it a go!
Micasense only sell their targets to people that own their cameras unfortunately. I’ve tried to buy it but they said no.
It would be great if DJI made one.