Put Password on Folders, Projects and Groups

Hello Pix4D Team,

I have a feature request that I get asked all the time by multiple construction sites that I manage. Most Projectteams dont want that other members of the company can see their Projects without permission. It would be very helpful and in my opinion quiet easy to implement a password protection on folders, projects and groups.

Kind Regards,
Anton Schlei.


Thank you for the feedback.
We are working on a feature which will allow defining users and roles so that you can invite someone to your organization with a particular role. E.g. you can invite user1 and give him/her access to one particular folder with edit rights but also give her/him access with read rights to another.

I say folder but the same applies for projects or sites.

You can see more information here: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/5200985661469

Using a password would not really help as once you give it to someone you cannot control who else has it.


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