I’ve noticed over my time of using the software that there is a shift showing up between my orthomosaic and ground control points that does not exist in my point cloud. This doesn’t appear to be affected by units, coordinate system, arbitrary, etc. and my RMS error of control always comes back satisfactory (1-2 cm). Typically, i used the ortho solely for a visual reference and wasn’t concerned of the minor error as the map scale i used made the error negligible. Now i am looking to use the imagery more for location digitizing, and sharing with others, so i would like to figure out how to remove this shift.
After paying closer attention, the shift appears to be directly tied to the pixel resolution i choose for the map. I typically lower the resolution from standard GSD (1-2 cm) to (7.62 cm/0.25 ft) for better data size management. I notice, the imagery is being shifted to the Northwest by approximately this resolution distance (+/- the survey error). This shift is consistent with all control points in the same direction.
To me, it appears the 3rd party software I use, could potentially be reading the raster from a different location on the pixel? This error shows up in both Autodesk Civil3D as well as Trimble Business Center software packages. I searched all over to find a setting in both 3rd party software, as well as PIX4D Mapper to find a fix for this issue and have had no luck.
Is there a way to remedy this within the PIX4D Mapper Software?
Thanks in Advance,