ary, while I agree that is one way to do it, how do you send the info to Brian to post here? Certainly we don’t need the log files posted as the Quality Report is the item to compare. The instructions are to send the report to Brian so that is how to measure the time and see what steps are faster/slower…even though he hasn’t posted links to any of our reports yet. Stuff like this should be ran by Pix4D but they wanted us to do this thread.
My timber multi-spectral Quality Report time is 13m:39s and the log file is 14m:38s so it isn’t a big difference on longer projects.
I also look forward to you guys running a project that actually works your system hard instead of this ultra-easy and simple timber project so we can see how hardware affects things.
to adam
actually in my experience on large project, the time in quality report doesnt represent actual time consume to finish a project
for example i’ve done a 3547 images 12mpix 3d map actually in two days, but in the quality report said all done just in 24 hour 18 minutes 36 seconds
but in log file i’ve got the exact time consume
[2017.09.26 22:29:15][14%RAM][ 1%CPU][UI]: Processing Options clicked.
[2017.09.28 18:45:45][16%RAM][14%CPU][Processing]: Step3Done
my computer running 44 hours 16 minutes 30 seconds!!
so the actual time consume only represent on log file.
again this is our thread, a community thread, we dont need admin to calculate time, we just post the project and give our exact time. this is from us to us
i just want we have a similar method to understand time consume, by than we can compare different machine
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Planning on trying some of these tests, but does anyone have a handle on where the most bang for the buck comes from? CPU/GPU/RAM/…?
Im using a threadripper and seems that the program is only using 20-30 % of the processor. can anyone help?
I have the zenieth extreme x399 MB
Erik, it all depends on the type of projects so no one solution fits all. You hit the main 3 components in needing max GHz, Cuda cores, and RAM.
Troy, that is very common through most of Step 1 and in Step 2 you should see 100% CPU usage.
Hi Adam,
The problem I am having is that it’s not using the cpu seems like it’s just idled
I have all 32 threads and 64gb of ram check in options.
Troy, as I said, Step 1 won’t use the full CPU all the time only parts are parallel processing and the rest is using 1 core.
I might have missed this- but for the purposes of benchmarking, are you using default processing setting or maximum settings?
Eric, we use the default templates otherwise a 10 minute project could take 10 hours 
The following machine processed the ary sanjaya project in 10:43 (643 seconds) according to the processing log between Processing Start clicked and Step3Done entries. The total time for all three steps shown in the generated report is 9:49.
CPU - Intel Core i7 Octa 6900K 3.2 GHz
CPU Cooler - Corsair H110i liquid cooler
GPU - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070
RAM Amount - 32 GB (2x 16)
RAM Speed - Kingston DDR4-2133 MHz
SSD - Samsung 960 PRO 512 GB
Hard Drive - 2x (RAID) WD 3 TB SATA
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-X99-UD3P
Operating System - Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Pix4D Mapper Pro 3.2.23; all default processing settings using the 3D Maps template
thanks Tom…
btw, can you test again on the same project and the same template, but this time try to disable the GPU checklist. on that way we can compare the CPU performance. becouse if we flashback, we started this thread to compare between intel and amd cpu’s
Hopefully we can get people testing more than a 10 minute project because hardware doesn’t matter much on tiny projects.
Adam and Ary - Stormy day here today, so a good day to stay inside and do some processing trials.
Using the same machine as in my last post (specs repeated below), I processed Adam’s cell tower project in a total time of 2h08m24s (7644 seconds) according to the generated report. Used the 3D model template, default settings.
Ary, I also reprocessed the lembongan project with the GPU disabled (3D Maps template, all default settings). Interestingly the total time was actually 2 seconds shorter without the GPU. (GPU enabled: 9m49s (589 seconds); GPU disabled: 9m47s (587 seconds) These are totals from the generated report, not log. I presume this is just some sort of random variation and not directly related to the GPU being enabled or not.
Maybe the project isn’t big enough to show the GPU advantages, as Adam suggested. Perhaps at some point I’ll rerun the cell tower project without the GPU, but I don’t have time for that at the moment.
CPU - Intel Core i7 Octa 6900K 3.2 GHz
CPU Cooler - Corsair H110i liquid cooler
GPU - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070
RAM Amount - 32 GB (2x 16)
RAM Speed - Kingston DDR4-2133 MHz
SSD - Samsung 960 PRO 512 GB
Hard Drive - 2x (RAID) WD 3 TB SATA
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-X99-UD3P
Operating System - Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Pix4D Mapper Pro 3.2.23
I ran Ary’s Lebogdan and Adam’s cell tower projects yesterday and got the following results:
Ary’s: 11:22 (682s) quality report and 14:39 (879s) from log
Adam’s 2:00:52 (7252s) quality report and 2:01:28 (7288s) from log
Projects run with Pix4d mapper version 4.0.25
CPU - Ryzen 1700X @ 3.9 GHz
CPU Cooler - Corsair H110i liquid cooler
GPU - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (MSI Sea Hawk X)
RAM Amount - 32 GB (2x 16)
RAM Speed - Corsair DDR4-2933 MHz
SSD - Samsung EVO 960 1 Tb
Motherboard - Asus Crosshair VI Hero
Operating System - Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Jaakko…that seems really slow on my cell tower pictures. My guess is that the 32GB of RAM is really slowing you down on the bigger project.
@Adam: My thoughts exactly. I have no need for extra RAM at the momment. Mainly doing 12MP ~1000 image projects. Next week I’ll get a new laptop (GL702ZC) from my day job and that will be a nice add-on to my computing power
I totally understand…my laptop has 32GB of RAM and I had to stop using it for Pix4D over a year ago with these 42MP pictures.
Great to see the comparison 
CPU 7980XE @ 4.7ghz
CPU Cooler Digital Storm Hydrolux
GPU Titan XP, 2 1080Ti (No SLI)
RAM 128GB 3200 Corsair Extreme (I think)
HDD M.2 1 TB
Motherboard Asus X299 Deluxe
Computer built by Digital Storm
Lembongan 200 Seconds per the log file (initial processing only steps 1-8). Did it faster with fewer background processes at 140 seconds but the second run is with multiple browsers open and normal activity happening. Pix4d Version 4.0.25
What’s the trick for getting permission to download the benchmark files? I tried to request permission through google drive, but haven’t gained access yet.