Multiple Multispectral Flights - Merging Best Practice

Hi Everyone,

I am hoping to have a bit of advice from anyone with experience doing this.

I have previously undertaken multiple flights with our M300 and Micasense red-edge, whereby I have used a calibration panel image from after one flight and before a second to have the closest possible time alignment between the imagery.

Recently, we conducted a survey over a larger area, totalling five separate flights with this setup. There was also accompanying P1 RGB flights for the same area, and this involved multiple TOL locations hence it was not possible to have one representative calibration panel. The micasense flights were prioritised in running order to get them as close to consistent high sun position flights as we could manage.

These flights all had areas of overlap with one-another at the edges to provide a continuous mosaic of images that could be joined, with the main hope of reducing edge effects between the surveys (as I knew they may have to be processed separately). I am aware that you cannot use multiple calibration panels across the five flights if I were to process as one project.

However, my question is, if I processed them together as one to get a good quality point cloud (specifically for areas where there is overlap at the edge of each of the five surveys where individually there may be edge artefacts), can I use this for each sub-zones processing as a standalone project to get both a successful calibration but also remove the edge artefacts that may be present? I.e. load the full area point cloud after aligning and calibrating each sub area as a separate project? Or alternatively using this method, should I import the point cloud from the higher res imagery or would this likely lead to a negative impact?

In the help documentation for this it seems to suggest separately processing, then merging projects using the manual tie points? What I can’t work out is if re-optimising the cameras after this stage will remove these artefacts that may be present at the overlapping edges of each survey area or if they would still likely be there?

I would try doing the multiple different methods, but these are quite large areas so don’t want to overly spend too much time trying different options when others may have experience of which is best. As a note: there are GCPs across the different sub zones, but one or two zones don’t have them due to access issues.

First time posting but I hope that is enough information to go off of!
