Merging Sequoia Projects

I have a question about merging projects when using multispectral imagery, specifically from the Micasense Sequoia.

I have been merging projects that are for areas where we had to flying multiple missions to capture imagery of larger areas. I have been running the initial stage for each flight separately so each flight will retain the radiometric calibration data for each flight then merging those projects. Sometimes I use manual tie points on the merged project and sometime I don’t when the misalignment doesn’t affect our work.

I was just looking at the help page for that and it seems I have been doing it wrong! I am mostly concerned about losing the radiometric calibration as the misalignment has either never been a problem or it is corrected my adding a few manual tie points to the merged project. By not using manual tie points in the first set of projects as per the help page am I losing anything?

Hello Falkus,
The radiometric correction is done at step 3 of processing. So, if you want the radiometrically corrected map then you shouldn’t merge the project from two different cameras.
If you are merging the images captured from the same camera, assuming there was no difference in the external lightning condition during your mission then it is okay to merged. If not you have to process your project separately.