[iOS] Pix4Dcapture with Bebop 2

New thread about Pix4Dcapture Feedback and Experience on iOS.


Hello Pix4D members and iOS users,

We are glad to announce a new version of iOS Pix4Dcapture.

Please use this post to share your experience with other users and us.
We are looking forward to your feedback!

Pix4D Support Team



I notice your latest iOS update has a circular mission for Bepop only?


Will this be available ASAP for the Phantom 3? 

Hi Jarrod,

We do not know yet when a circular mission will be implemented for DJI drones.

It is still at the experimental stage for Bebop 2 since circular missions require more attention because of eventual obstacles in the flight track. Bebop 2 is lighter.

We are obviously thinking about implementing something similar for DJI drones but it will take some time.

Best regards,



why is the Bebop 1 not supported? Do you plan to support this model in the future? It should be almost the same, as far as i know. Thanks.


Best Regards,


Hey Reinhold,

Parrot Bebop 1 is not supported in the Pix4Dcapture app. The reason is the camera of the Parrot Bebop 1, which is not sufficient to create good models consistently with Pix4Dmapper.  Hence, it is not the autonomy, but the camera that creates problems. 

In comparison, the Bebop 2 has a lens with a wider field of view and is more tilted towards the ground, which allows the Bebop 2 to catch more ground and less sky. This is important for processing images using Pix4Dmapper. 

Best Regards,

Because of its low weight (< 0.5 kg), the Bebop 2 is a very interesting drone. However, mainly because of the limited camera quality, I honestly doubt that it can be used for serious mapping projects.

Any hands-on experience so far?
Can anyone provide an orthomosaic, based on images taken by a Bebop 2?

Thanks a lot.

Hi Reto,

Based on our experience, we shared some recommendations for the Bebop 2: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/208085636
There is a dataset and the results that you can download: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/209620783


New thread about Pix4Dcapture Feedback and Experience on iOS.