Not sure what in the world I did to make this happen but I uploaded 5,550 images of a land in Pix4D Mapper and the point cloud produced about 5 different layers of images? Difficult to word the problem, but there are rows of images that stay connected to each other and then almost created a new layer?
If it is possible, would you please upload the quality report to understand the problem?
Kind regards,
Slick Rock 2_report.pdf (1.5 MB)
Thank you Yuka, here is the quality report.
Thank you for uploading the quality report. The result could be better if you divide the dataset into multiple projects, process them separately, and merge them. (If the dataset made from multiple flights, please process each flight individually and merge them.) The links below have detailed explanation of how to split and merge projects.
Kind regards,
Thank you, Yuka! I will give it everything I’ve got and merge them as separate projects. God bless you!